How Long Can an Air Conditioning Unit Last?

How Long Can an Air Conditioning Unit Last?


Every home understands the value of an air conditioner, especially during summer seasons. That’s the time when we all want to ensure that our HVAC systems are functioning well. It is important to regularly check your air conditioning system to ensure it is functioning properly. If you notice anything unusual, the best thing is to contact an HVAC professional to come and give an inspection.

One of the main concerns most people have when purchasing air conditioning systems is how long they will last. There are several factors that often determine the lifespan of your HVAC system. Among the factors include how much you will be using it, maintenance, and repair, among other factors.

Regular usage

One of the major factors that affect the lifespan of any appliance including your air conditioner is how often it is used. In places where it is frequently used, an HVAC system can last between 10 to 15 years. On the other hand, an air conditioning system that is well maintained can last for up to 20 or 25 years.

There are several things you can do to prolong the lifespan of your HVAC unit. One of such things is by adjusting the thermostat upwards by a couple of degrees – this will help in reducing the strain placed on the system. The good thing is that the adjustment won’t significantly affect your level of comfort.


This is something that most of us often ignore. Cleanliness of your system plays a big role in determining how long your air conditioning system will last. Accumulation of grime and dirt into your system over a long time will greatly affect the performance of an HVAC system.

Ensure that you regularly clean your system to get rid of any debris that could prevent it from functioning efficiently.

Preventive maintenance service

This is also a major factor that will determine how long your air conditioner will last. You should hire an HVAC professional to conduct regular checks on your system rather than waiting until it breaks down. HVAC tune-ups are generally cheaper compared to the most expensive repairs that could have been prevented early. Sometimes you will be forced to purchase spare parts which are costly.

Besides, repair services for HVAC systems that have been extensively damaged are also high. The best option is to conduct regular maintenance. In general, the lifespan of an air conditioning system depends on how much you use and care for it. If you frequently use your HVAC system, then it can last between 10 to 15 years. Air conditioning systems that are not frequently used can last up to 25 years – when all other factors are kept constant.

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